Let's usher in fall with dance!!!! All classes are through Zoom. You can now purchase class passes for the month. You can mix and match classes with a class pass! Class info below:
$15 drop-in / $50 for 4 classes / $90 for 8 classes. Students will receive an email after payment is processed with instructions on how to access Zoom classes. Students also receive a recording of classes they attend! We have new offerings for the fall, too! Let's have fun dancing together. Classes must be used for the month of purchase.
$15 Drop-in.
$50 Four Class Pass
$90 Eight Class Pass
Monday Classes
Belly Dance Drills 6:30PM - 7:25PM
Bring your skills to the next level in this drills class. Learn belly dance technique, mechanics, and sequences to build skills. This class is good for all levels. Some belly dance experience is helpful. All classes are live streaming through Zoom.
Datura Style Belly Dance 7:35PM - 8:30PM
This class is a fun challenge for beginners and offers technique training valuable for all belly dance styles. Datura Style™ Belly Dance is a fusion belly dance style founded by world renowned dancer, Rachel Brice. In this class you’ll learn Datura Style™ vocabulary that can easily be inserted into Improvisation, used in choreography, or for your own personal practice. We’re going to dig deep into fundamental belly dance technique as well. All levels are welcome! For more information on Rachel Brice’s Datura Style Belly Dance http://www.rachelbrice.com/what-is-datura-style/, http://www.rachelbrice.com/list-of-datura-style-teachers/
Tuesday Classes
Level 1 Belly Dance 7:00PM - 7:55PM
Join in on the fun and belly dance with us! Learn the fundamentals of classic belly dance style while enjoying an engaging movement experience. Each class you will be introduced to basic isolations, steps, combinations, and short routines. Discussion of history and styles of belly dance will be referenced. This class is perfect for beginners or those wishing to refine their technique. Class starts with a cardio warm-up and ends with a yoga cool down.
Level 2 Belly Dance 8:05PM - 9:00PM
Belly Dance Level 2 builds on material learned in previous classes. Students will learn an original fusion choreography. Technique used in the choreography will be drilled along with transitions, dance expression, stagecraft, and dancing in formations. Class starts with a cardio warm-up and ends with a yoga cool down.
Thursday Classes
Belly Dance Fitness 5:30PM - 6:15PM
Have fun working out and dancing with this upbeat low impact belly dance fitness class! This is the perfect class if you want to jump into dancing. Specifically designed to be accessible for all levels of belly dance we’ll start off with a strengthening/ conditioning warm-up, move into a series of cardio based belly dance combinations and drills, and finish off with a satisfying yoga cool down. Classes are streamed through Zoom.
Saturday Workshop
Info coming soon!
